My oldest is turning 5 in less than a month. This blows my mind. I mean on one hand I've witnessed nearly every single one of the 1800+ days he has had on this earth but on the other - WAIT. Hold. The. Phone. This kid has been with me for 1800 days! Wow that is... yep see, mind is blown.
Moving on... Jackson will be 5 and soon after he starts kindergarten. So I am in full blown mama bear planning a kick butt party mode! The theme is Lego (c). I have tons of ideas flowing through my brain, okay actually they are smashing around in there messing up my already cluttered thoughts. Since we are new to Charlotte and haven't established friendships yet, we will be having the party in Tennessee. Lucky for us I have awesome friends who are helping me to pull this off by giving me use of their backyard. Did I mention they have an in ground pool?? So score one for mommy!
Now on to the decorations. I am choosing a bright primary color theme like this one. Only ignore how awesome her party looks or you'll end up thinking mine is sooo not cool. And we can't have that happen.
I still need to find the plates but for the most part the party planning is somewhat done. Also if you could ignore the fact that I haven't sent out invites and the party is in two weeks that would be great, thanks!
Once the best party ever has happened I will do a post on all of the extremely awesome and simply amazing decorations/ cake/ food that I chose to do. All ideas to be ripped from the headlines of Pinterest! Okay ignore that too.
Now if you know me even a tiny bit you will know that I love to shop! I mean I love it. I even like grocery shopping. Well when the kids are chilling at home with daddy and not screaming at me in the bus of a shopping cart that these places provide so graciously for our rambunctious kids. Seriously those things are hard to steer! But I digress. I love to shop. And being that this is his FIVE year birthday...
What have I bought him you ask? Books and some used movies. WOW I'm gonna win the Mother of the Year award over here! Watch out Supermoms, I'm an awesome gift giver!
Is that all I will get him you ask? Of course not! You should see my Amazon shopping list! My cell phone is loaded down with pictures of toys that I spot while out shopping.
What's the hold up you ask? (Man you are nosey.) I don't know what to buy!!! I mean I know what I could buy, I know every little thing this kid likes, and I'm even capable of predicting toys he might like. But... I want them all! I mean, he wants them all. What's a mom to do?? I've already gave away tons of my ideas to the grandparents and aunts but there is still so much!
This is his FIVE year birthday, I don't think I've mentioned that yet...
Hush you.
Thanks and things,
I bet you will rock that party! There is certainly something special about the 5th birthday :-)